Do you have an unexpected EMP attack survival strategy? Or do you know how to survive an EMP attack? Indeed, an EMP or Electromagnetic Pulse attack can create a massive blackout in the affected area. This unpredicted chaos can drive back modern civilization to helplessness. Some people think it’s intrigue or a false threat, but are we even prepared for the consequences? According to authentic reports, the USA has already prepared a precautionary survival plan for a sudden EMP attack. And we should prepare ourselves as well.
What is EMP Electromagnetic Pulse?
EMP (electromagnetic pulse) is an ephemeral disruption of energy produced by a disturbing electromagnetic explosion of fast-stimulating electrons. The energy spectrum of an EMP contains low-frequency and irregular electromagnetic frequencies. The emission of an electromagnetic pulse can be natural or man-made. Four major types of EMP vary with the source of conduction, which could be electric current, radiated, magnetic field, or electric.

How EMP Works?
Natural and self-made sources of an EMP could be a nuclear/hydrogen bomb explosion, sunrays, and thunder-sparkling as well. The emitted energy from weapons can create an electromagnetic field that will terminate the functionality of the encircled electric appliances. However, the natural phenomenon of an electromagnetic field could be different comparatively.
How to Survive An EMP Attack?
Everybody should have a secure and manageable strategy to face an unexpected EMP attack in the form of a total blackout. Preplanning is recommended rather than feeling helpless during sudden chaos. So don’t panic. Observe the situation and act accordingly. Let us direct you to some needy notes to mark down for your EMP attack survival plan.

EMP Survival Kit List
See the survival kit needed in a blackout in case of an EMP attack.
Save Your Family
Foremost, create a quick, actionable plan with your family members to acquire a secure shelter after an unexpected EMP attack. Mark any shielded location in the safe house and get together with your family.
Emergency Tools
Trace a sheltered, easily approachable location to reserve a quick, utilizable pack of essential tools. The pack will include:
Buy As Much As You Need
To survive the unexpected disaster of an EMP, consider buying food for at least 2–3 months. I prefer buying canned food and preserving it at a safe location with a cold temperature.
Have some quickly usable defending tools in your pack as well. A sudden disaster can create an irregular rush between people, and you must be prepared for the possibilities. Well, pepper spray, a pocket knife, and a wooden stick will be handy if you’re attacked.
Stay Updated
Always have a radio in your home that works with a battery. In case of a sudden EMP attack, keep the radio ON and keep yourself updated with the ongoing news. However, every electric appliance will stop working due to the EMP attack. But most probably, battery-based radios will sustain their work during the electromagnetic attack.
Optional Power Supply
Invest some money in the solar power system to get the electricity supply in case of a sudden blackout. The solar power installation will require around $8,000 to $26,000. If that’s expensive, you can buy a gas generator that requires fuel to operate.
What You Have To Store To Survive An EMP Attack?
Surviving an EMP attack is not only about how much food to store for an EMP attack but in actuality; it is also about other options. We are discussing everything about EMP survival here:
Stockpile Food
If you’re not home, spot and stockpile around 4–6 locations to reserve emergency food. Prefer an easily approachable location around your house if you cannot reach home because food would be the main considerable thing to survive an EMP attack.
Communication Stuff
You’ll immediately need to keep connected with your family after a sudden blackout due to an EMP attack. Acquire a set of walkie-talkies and radios and distribute them to the family according to your plan. Thus, any family member within a short range will get your message.
Faraday Cage
We recommend buying a Faraday cage to secure your electronic devices. Faraday cages can prevent incoming electromagnetic waves and gamma rays. Thus, you can store your major and small electronic essentials and then wrap the cage.
Foremost Things To Do After a Sudden EMP Attack
Lock Your Home
Don’t panic or run. Just stay home and keep your family secure. In case you’re not home and a sudden EMP attack occurs, avoid the rush of people and use side roads to get to your home. Plus, don’t use cars and bikes; simply walk with your face covered.
Store Water
In case of a sudden blackout, immediately turn on the water taps and fill every jug, bottle, bowl, and glass in your home. Also, utilize bathtubs and each fillable thing to store enough water for at least 3–4 weeks to avoid dehydration.
Empty Your Fridge
After the blackout, the food in your fridge will probably stay fine for 40 to 50 minutes. So try to eat and finish the remaining food, and don’t let it spoil. Besides, avoid food that smells or is oddly colored. Just waste it for safety.
Freeze The Food
Food will only sustain its quality for an hour during the blackout. So, just preserve the non-perishable food in a cooler and store it securely in your home. Prefer the location with the coldest temperature.
Don’t Roam Around
Keep yourself quiet and act normally without getting panic. Avoid showing anxiety to people. Don’t reveal your emergency plan. Avoid bragging about the amount of food and cash you already reserved. People can panic and try to steal you after you know your secrets.
Clear Vision
Consider yourself and your family foremost as a one-person survival. Don’t expect someone is going to help you out of the blue. Be determined, active your senses, and get prepared for any tragedy.
What Will Work After an EMP Attack?
There are several things that would still be operational after an EMP attack or in case of a regional blackout. Have a look:

1. Radio
Battery-based radios are probably going to work after an EMP attack. I would prefer to have an analog radio rather than a digital type.
2. Solar Panel
To survive an EMP attack, get your house rewired with a solar panel energy system. Thus, you’ll still get the electricity supply utilizing solar energy.
3. Faraday Cage
Well, Faraday cages will sustain a counteracting screen that will cancel the negative hitting particles emitted by an electromagnetic field. Thus, all the electric appliances will be safe inside this cage after an EMP attack.
4. Generator
Generators that operate with fuel will primarily be helpful after a sudden blackout due to an EMP attack. Consider having a stock plan of fuel to operate the generator for at least 2 months.
5. Walkie-Talkies
The short-range walkie-talkies that operate with batteries will also be going to work. Prefer buying 2–3 different walkie-talkie sets if one set won’t operate after an EMP attack.
6. Old Mechanized Cars
Cars with an old carburetor infrastructure will survive the electromagnetic field. Some considerable models include Pre-1980 SUVs, American trucks, Mercedes Benz, Toyota Hilux, etc.
7. Flashlight
Flashlights will also work that operates with a battery. Try to keep the flashlights inside the Faraday cage if you’re not using them.
8. Analogue Tools
Analog tactical watches and thermometers will not be affected by the electromagnetic field’s gamma rays.
Best Place to Survive EMP Or Blackout
An unexpected blackout can take place after a sudden EMP attack. To Survive An EMP Attack, don’t panic or make a rush. Just keep your nerves calm to act wisely during a disaster. Prefer staying somewhere safe out of the crowd to avoid disturbance.
Stay At Home
The most important part is to lock your home and stay inside with your family. Unpredictable chaos can also severely change the climate and environment. So don’t interact with random people or even with your neighbours. Make a preplanned strategy with your family to mark a safe location in your home. Prefer staying in the lowest available portion of your home; it could be basements or underground rooms.
Because the air pressure will be much lower than the high altitude portion, and gamma rays emitted by EMP detonation will be less effective with low air pressure.
Safe Zone
If any commercial nuclear reactors are situated near your home or society, immediately leave that place with a preplanned plot. Agree on a safe location with your family to get together in a new livable place. Generally, there are around 100 nuclear reactors on the east coast of the USA. Therefore, you can consider migrating toward the west coast.
Hopefully, this EMP survival guide will assist you in surviving such a situation anywhere in the world. PeekTimes shares every single aspect with its readers, but if you still have questions about surviving the blackout, then you can use our comment area or even write to us!