Top 5 Free BaaS Providers to Build Backend of Android App?

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    It is a frequently asked question from many of my community members and readers: what is the best BaaS provider to build the backend of an Android application? Honestly, it is difficult for us to give a single name in this regard. Therefore, we are going to discuss one of the best options to develop the server side of Android applications.

    Let’s discuss it!


    Back4app is a reliable name in the cloud computing world which is famous because of its BaaS and container services. With a user-friendly interface, real-time databases, blockchain storage, and excellent authentication facilities, Back4app could surely be the top pick. Furthermore, if you are a newbie in app development, you can benefit from several guides like this about how to build a backend for an Android app.

    On the contrary, this BaaS platform offers outstanding community support. You can’t only find several questions with the Back4app tag on Stack Overflow, but you can also join their Slack community to explore more. However, we would advise you to choose Kotlin and Java as backend technologies to build an Android app and deploy it on Back4app.

    Push notifications, SDKs, GraphQLI & Rest APIs are also pros of using this BaaS provider.

    AWS Amplify

    With incredible global server deployments and a wide range of cloud services, Amazon Web Services is also a big name on our list. To build an Android application’s backend, you should trust the Amplify product of AWS. This BaaS platform enables the dev teams to quickly build the backend and then connect it with Amplify Libraries and Studio to perform further tasks.

    The only drawback of using Amplify is its credit card policy. Yes, you will have to insert your credit card details before using this platform.


    Although Firebase is a closed-source BaaS provider, but the backing of Google makes it a remarkable option for beginners. Its Spark plan is entirely free, so if you want to develop the backend of your Android app, then the use of Firebase could be beneficial. You can access features like Cloud Firestore, A/B testing, Cloud Messaging, Authentication, Analytics, and much more when you use Firebase.

    If you talk about its limitations, then probably you would hate the vendor lock-in policy of Firebase. Yes, it is troublesome to migrate your app from Firebase to another platform.


    It is a new BaaS vendor in the cloud computing industry, but its slogan surely attracts developers. Yes, it has a motto about building mobile and web applications in record time. Free SSL, CLI toolkit, Edge Functions, and Deploy Previews make it an ideal choice for several developers.

    Withal, it is significant to investigate whether Netlify is overhyped or if it gives the desired results. We think our community members can debate on this issue according to their experiences. Otherwise, it seems a good option.


    If you like low-code backend services, then the use of Backendless is the best. You can definitely consider Backendless to build the backend of Android apps without any issues. It lets the dev teams visually build and deploy the server side of their applications. So, if you have less knowledge of coding but are willing to launch your app, you can consider Backendless.


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